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Terms and Conditions

                       Goacademy International is committed to guide the researchers in their research work as per the commitment. We understood that the researchers' perception may vary from one to another due to which we provide unlimited revisions on whatever we commit as per the initial communication with Admin team (Refer our work flow process).

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  • When you access and utilize this site, it is understood that you have accepted the terms and conditions set forth, without qualification or restriction.
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  • Any pricing mentioned on this site for any of the services being offered is for representational purposes only and is to be considered as a base price. The actual pricing might vary depending upon the scope of work and the nature of service or services that are being sought. Depending upon the services that are sought and customization of packages, might either decrease or increase the base price.

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Privacy Policy

  • Visitors to our website or clients who willingly provide their contact number and email IDs for communication purposes are in agreement. However, no emails or SMS will be forwarded if the visitor or the client explicitly expresses their objection to receiving any such messages
  • If the client or the visitor to the site is in agreement to receive promotional events, Inspire Work Space agrees that the number of such communication will be restricted to two each month. However, the option to unsubscribe from such communication is always welcomed.

Refund Policy

  • Refund is not possible for the projects committed with a deadline less than or equal to 72 hours
  • The refund is not allowed if the project is already allotted and the permissible timeline is exceeded. The refund due to 'stopping the work' is not applicable for shorter deadline projects
  • There is no refund policy at Thesis PhD as we provide unlimited revisions as per the commitment.

Referral Offer

  • The project has to be confirmed as a combo (i.e., Research Proposal and Complete PhD thesis) within the timeline mentioned (i.e., 15th November 2015). This offer does not applies if confirmed as separate entities
  • This offer can be availed only for complete dissertation writing services with us. Not for single/multiple chapters.
  • Work will be dispatched only within the commitment. If there is a change in the initial commitment, then the referral offer is not applicable.
  • One can also refer many of their friends/colleagues. There is no restriction for their referral limit.
  • Goacademy International’s decision is final and discounts/referral benefits are subjected to change as it is sole decision of Goacademy International